FREE consult with Anita - Get started with IV Ozone!

Our average clinic adds $60,000 per year and improves patient outcomes from IV ozone...

This training will get you started.

FREE IV Ozone Training with Anita

  • How to get the best results with IV ozone therapy

  • ​How to get all the equipment you need for under $3k

  • Contraindications and when to avoid ozone therapy

  • ​How to do an IV ozone treatment

  • ​How to do it 100% safely2 Column

  • ​How to incorporate it into your current regimen

FREE IV Ozone Training with Anita

  • How to get the best results with IV ozone therapy

  • ​How to get all the equipment you need for under $3k

  • Contraindications and when to avoid ozone therapy

  • ​How to do an IV ozone treatment

  • ​How to do it 100% safely2 Column

  • ​How to incorporate it into your current regimen

Disclaimer: This website is for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment and advice of a qualified licensed medical professional. This site assumes no responsibility for how this material is used. The statements regarding ozone treatments have not been evaluated by the FDA.

Copyright 2023 - Mediskill LLC